Yesterday I bought this beautiful print from @marie.yae at the @diyartmarket. I’m absolutely obsessed with Marie. Every piece she makes is truly enchanting and she always brings the loveliest creations from her atelier in Paris where she’s based. It’s quite impressive considering how delicate her pieces are that she manages to get them all here in one piece but perhaps this is just further proof of her magic.

I first discovered Marie at the DIY Market in December 2019 where I bought a couple of her hand made tea cups and a gorgeous print which I gifted to delighted family members for Christmas! I’m so happy to now have piece of my own to cherish.
I also look forward to visiting Marie in Paris to see what other treasures she has (I have my eye on one of her beautiful vases!)

I bought this gorgeous print by Kate Mary to gift my friend Olivia for her birthday (only 2 months late), I got a plain white frame from Ikea and painted it bright orange, what do you think? I love it!

Finally I picked up some lovely postcards, I’m always picking up postcards and then they just end up in a box under my bed, so I also got some little frames for like £1 from IKEA and painted them different colours, that way I can display a couple of postcards from collection, changing them to suit my mood.

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