Honey&Co: Stumbling Across an Instagram Staple


After a pleasant morning spent browsing the Waterstones at Gower Street the weather was far too nice (mild and not raining) to go straight home, so I decided to do one of my favourite things, aimlessly wander. In the countryside this is called rambling, the act of walking just for pleasure but alas in the city such whimsy tends to be frowned upon and thus we have no word for it (other than skivving.) On my walk I unexpectedly stumbled across Honey&Co in Fitzrovia, I’ve been following the Israeli husband and wife duo behind this group of restaurants on Instagram for years.

Orange Blossom Iced Tea

A really unusual flavour and one I had not tried before, the orange blossom iced tea was both sweet and refreshing

The Famous Feta Cheesecake

I was told by multiple waiters at the restaurant that the cheesecake was to die for, nobody dislikes it, people travel across London for this cheesecake. Ok I thought to myself resignedly, well I better try it, truthfully I didn’t need much persuading. This is Honey and Co’s signature dish, their non baked feta and honey cheesecake on a kadaif pastry base. I love cheesecake, I often dream about the white chocolate cheesecake I had two years ago in Krakow and often wonder if making a quick trip to Poland for a few hours on my next day off would be doable. So when my cheesecake was presented to me I was ready to be in heaven. The portion was huge and I felt very smug, now if this cheesecake was as good as they described it to be, this could potentially be the saviour of what was otherwise a remarkably mediocre meal. Taking a generous mouthful, my tastebuds were suddenly assaulted. I have a VERY sweet tooth but even I couldn’t manage more than a couple of mouthfuls, the sickly sweetness of the cheesecake was overwhelming. The kadaif pastry base, a kind of sweet crunchy noodle, almost similar to shredded wheat, just didn’t feel like it worked. Perhaps I am a classicist when it comes to my cheesecake but even putting that aside, disappointingly the Feta Cheesecake wasn’t a particularly successful dessert.

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