Una Ofrenda Floreciendo en su Memoria
(An Offering of Blossoms in their Memory)
by Betsabeé Romera

The inspiration for this piece of work comes from traditional Mexican offering places (ofrendas) that are built for the Day of the Dead, the ofrenda serves to honour the memory of lost loved ones. This ofrenda was built in memory of all the victims of Covid and guests are encouraged to add the names of any people they’ve lost.
Betsabeé Romera said: “Each region of Mexico has its own variation of Dia de los Muertos. The Yucaton Peninsula in Mexico’s south-eastern region is the home of the Indigenous Mayan peoples. Here Dia de Los Muertos is called Hanal Pixan (Mayan for food of the souls’) and mixes ancient traditions with modern ones. Unique to Hanal Pixan is a small ofrenda built for the souls who left this world alone.”

This installation is made from recycled plastic marigolds that have been hand woven by communities who live within Mexico City. Marigolds are often used in day of the dead celebrations as their bright colour is said to attract spirits to the alter. The shape of the piece is inspired by the great flower with four petals which is a significant symbol in old Mexico.
Fantastic Jungle Sloths
by Fernando Laposse
These fantastic creatures have been created using sustainable plant fibres and speak to the environmental crisis and continued loss of biodiversity that is spreading not just through Mexico but throughout the whole world like a plague.

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