An Artful Afternoon on the Portobello Rd


Sunny afternoons in London are such a rare joy and must be taken advantage of at all costs, the only acceptable thing to do on days such as these is to turn on your out of office replies and go for wander.


On me jollies, I took myself up the the Portobello Road to have a nosy at Domenica Marland’s Art Pop Up where I fell head over heels in love with the Artist Georgia Beaumont – my love although true was not singular and I would have practically bought everything on display if only my house was bigger (and my pockets deeper.)

After leaving Domenica’s I continued my walk dreamily along the Portobello Road when suddenly I was approached by a most unusual type, shaking a bag of mushrooms in my face, he had a look of him that made one think he could be a boy of no more than seventeen but simultaneously might have also been more that a thousand years old. Now, I would not usually buy mushrooms from strange men but the way the man spoke of the mushrooms made images of golden geese and singing harps spring to mind, so although the appearance of this mushroom peddler was quite unsettling it made me feel it would be a grave error to not take up his offer. Despite what you may be thinking these were not mushrooms of the magic variety (although they might as well have been for the price of them) That being said, I threw them in a carbonara that night and haven’t stopped thinking about them since. Luckily – I don’t find myself up that way too often because I can’t afford a mushroom habit on top of everything else.

Next I looked into a charming little cookery book shop, Books for Cooks where I attempted to find Regula Yewsijn’s latest book Oats from the North, Wheat from the South but it turns out they only keep one of each book in the store at anytime and someone had just purchased the exact one I was looking for literally 5 minutes before my arrival – so I had to settle with getting my copy from the Waterstones – boo – then I thought I better start heading back to work but was quickly distracted by a delightful little biscuit shop, and then a bakery advertising the best baguette in London, greedily stuffing my baguette into my bag, I put my head down so not to be further distracted and resolved to get back to East London before anymore dietary damage was done.

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